One of the most anticipated shows, Ekta Kapoor’s Naagin 6, brought massive news for the fans of Tejasswi Prakash recently. The Bigg Boss 15 champion is all set to transform into a shapeshifter for the upcoming season of the show, with Simba Nagpal starring opposite her. In the midst of all of this, a video of Tejasswi Prakash, Karan Kundrra, and Simba Nagpal enjoying a hilarious conversation while discussing Naagin 6 has gone viral on social media.
Simba can be seen teasing Karan by suggesting he’ll romance Teja for the show, while Tejasswi records the video. Karan, on the other hand, is quick to respond that he has no objections to Simba romancing Teja on television. Karan goes on to say that if it had been someone else instead of Simba, he might have felt differently. “Main duniya mein kisi ke saath bhi pange kar sakta hu, but tere se koi panga nahi hai, jaa Tu romance kar,” Karan says.
For the uninitiated, Tejasswi, Karan, and Simba were all locked up inside the house of Bigg Boss 15. While Tejasswi took home the trophy, Karan Kundrra was the second runner-up. As for Simba Nagpal, he had already been eliminated. Back in 2021, in an interview with Outlook India, Simba had opened up about Teja and Karan’s relationship and said, “Both Karan and Tejasswi are really good human beings individually and they are very mature, experienced and emotional but if I talk about their relationship, fake would be the wrong word to use; I think it is a forced relationship because I don’t see any sort of compatibility in them. They are both very different individuals. Maybe it is real, you never know but from what I have seen, I feel that it is a forced relationship.”
Tejasswi and Karan developed a romantic relationship and confessed their love for each other during their Bigg Boss journey.
When it comes to the show Naagin, the first season debuted in 2015 and was a huge hit. In the key roles were Mouni Roy and Arjun Bijlani. Surbhi Jyoti and Pearl V Puri took their place in season three. Nia Sharma, Jasmin Bhasin, and Reshami Desai played icchadhari-naagin in Naagin 4 and impressed the viewers. Later, Surbhi Chandna, Mohit Sehgal, and Sharad Malhotra took over season five. Following the release of Naagin 5, a new season of the show named Kuch Toh Hai – Naagin Ek Naye Rang Mein starring Harsh Rajput and Krishna Mukherjee was released.