Ever since the trailer of Gehraiyaan has hit the web fans are gushing over the killer chemistry between Siddhant Chaturvedi and Deepika Padukone. The duo has grabbed all the eyeballs apart from the gripping storyline and romantic vibe of the film. However, their undying on-screen chemistry is not just great acting, but also the work of intimate director Dar Gai.
Yes, according to a report in India Today, Dar openly spoke on how she built up the chemistry between Deepika and Siddhant for the film so it looks natural and not made up. Even Shakun Batra, the film’s director had said at the trailer launch that having an intimacy director was important in the film so the audience could connect to the angle between Deepika and Siddhant.
According to India Today, Dar was quoted as saying, “I do not want to sound cheesy but it was one of my favourite experiences ever because you have the right people on board.” Dar further told that Siddhant and Deepika were extremely collaborative while shooing for bold scenes and paid attention to all the minute details as told by her.
She further revealed she conducted workshops with the actors, “When you build a team with different responsibilities, you feel secure to go ahead with it.”
Dar also revealed that even though Deepika has years of experience and is a great actor she did not come up with a lot of questions, “Not even once did Deepika ask, ‘Why should I do it”, or tell me ‘I know how to do it”. She called the whole project to be ‘co-creating’ with Deepika, Siddhant, Shakun and her. Well, we must say that Dar has done an excellent job in bringing out the right amount of boldness and sass in the movie.
Gehraiyaan will release on Amazon Prime on February 11. The trailer of the film has already created a buzz on the internet. It is produced by Karan Johar and is a Sakun Batra directorial.