Prime Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday launched the initiative, ‘Infrastructure for Resilient Island States’ (IRIS), along with his British counterpart Boris Johnson during the 26th session of the Conference of Parties (COP26) in Glasgow.
Speaking on the occasion, the Indian PM said that the launch of IRIS provides new hope and new confidence. It also provides satisfaction with regard to doing something for the countries that are most vulnerable to climate change.
“The launch of Infrastructure for Resilient Island States fills us with new hope and beliefs. This gives us the satisfaction to do something for the most vulnerable nations,” PM Modi said during the event to launch IRIS in Glasgow, Scotland.
The Indian PM stressed during his address that climate change will affect all and no nation will be spared from its consequences.
“The past few decades have proven that nobody remains untouched by the effects of climate change. Be it developed nations or nations that are rich in natural resources. It’s a huge threat,” he asserted.
Modi pointed out that small island nations face the biggest threat from climate change as the same would trigger a rise in sea level.
“Small Island Developing States are most threatened with climate change. For them, it’s a matter of life and death, a challenge to their existence. Calamities due to climate change can become devastating for them. It isn’t only a challenge for their lives but also for their economy,” PM Modi said, highlighting the worst consequences of global warming that is leading to climate change.
The PM, meanwhile, highlighted India’s efforts in assisting the countries threatened by climate change.
“Guessing the threat of climate change on Small Island Developing States, India made special arrangements for cooperation with Pacific Islands and CARICOM countries. We trained their citizens in solar technologies and made continuous contributions for development,” the PM noted.
He further informed that the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) would take an initiative for SIDS to provide real-time information on cyclones, coral-reef monitoring, coast-line monitoring etc.
“India’s space agency ISRO will build a special data window for SIDS (Small Island Developing States). With this, SIDS will continue to get timely information about cyclones, coral-reef monitoring, coast-line monitoring etc. through satellite,” PM Modi said in Glasgow.