Television star Kavita Kaushik took to Twitter to express worry about Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill’s fans. The actor passed away on September 2, 2021, and his demise has impacted his fans in the worst possible manner. Recently a fan of the Bigg Boss 13 winner slipped into a coma following the actor’s death.
While sharing the news, Kavita mentioned that the fans of the two stars should take care of themselves. She also grieved the loss of the actor.
“Saw images of a fan in a coma in an icu,Please take care of yourselves all Sidharth and Shehnaaz fans, I sincerely request you to think of your parents and families too! Sidharth would never be happy with this, to pay him respect pls be strong and try to lift each other up now,” tweeted Kavita Kaushik.
Many fans of the diva commented on the post. One user wrote, “Kya kare ma’am sab ke sath has bol rahi hu (Broken heart emoji Broken heart emoji ) par dil bahot ro raha hain Sidharth Sidharth chila ke rone (Loudly crying face emoji Loudly crying face emoji Loudly crying face emoji Loudly crying face emoji )ka man kar raha hain par nahi kar pari”
Another one tweeted, “How…!!! He left us means a lot!!! We are suffering (Crying face emoji Broken heart emoji Sleepy face emoji) can’t understand what to do or not..sambhal jate agar sid bimar hota toh!! But this time..”
“I was very ill due to the mental breakdown and today i found out that i have typhoid.. But tell me how do i stop my self from crying.. Logu k itny baray sapne pooray ho jaty hain and i only had one and that is to meet sid one day ab wo kabhi poora nahi ho payega,”
Meanwhile, the exact cause of Sidharth’s death is yet to be revealed. According to Mumbai Police, no injuries were sustained on the body of actor Siddharth Shukla. The cause of the death is yet to be ascertained.