Popular choreographer Nishant Bhat, one of the contestants of Bigg Boss OTT, has reached the pinnacle of choreography on the small screen. In the entertainment world, Nishant has been the winner of Super Dancer 3 and has been a crucial part of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa, Nach Baliye, Dance Deewane among others. However, it hasn’t been a bed of roses for Nishant, who reveals that there were a few years when he was out of work.
In an exclusive interview with Times Now Digital before entering the Bigg Boss house, Nishant talked about a lot of things at length. He also talked about the hardships he has faced in his life. Nishant recalled that while it all started pretty well when he did Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa, there was a period after that when he had no work. The choreographer recounted that new dancers had come in, and new formats of the show were airing. Nishant, however, didn’t give up and resumed assisting and continued working hard.
“It’s a very long conversation, but to cut it short, I would just say that [I’m] grateful for the past 15 years. I’ve been a choreographer, dancer, assistant and in today’s time, I am doing very well. I have been a part of all the possible best shows, even during the lockdown, I had to say no to some shows because of the dates. But to get here also has not been easy, because it is quite a difficult position and designation. Every day there are new dancers coming, formats changing and to survive all that and still have a show and be part of the best shows, I think it’s taken me 15 years to reach here which is quite long, so I think that’s the hardship,” he said.
Nishant also added that while it started well after Jhalak Dikhla Jaa, there was a time when he was out of work. “But after that, it just didn’t happen because new dancers started coming in, new shows started happening and I never participated in any show as a contestant, I have always been a choreographer. So they stopped calling me and there were like 4-5 years when there was no work for me. There was no money happening for me, so it was a tough phase. It was quite a bad time,” he shared, adding, “But I never gave up. I was still struggling and I went back to dancing and assisting. I have this quality that I don’t give up so easily if I want something I get it.”
When Nishant broke the news of his Bigg Boss OTT participation to people around him, many felt that it is tailor-made for him and the choreographer agrees. About his strategy, Nishant shared, “I haven’t planned anything. I’m going to do what I want to do, I’m just going to be myself and I hope that people will like me.”
He is confident that this show will turn out pretty well for him, and people will be happy to see how Nishant is as a person, and not just his dancer version.