Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) member Sadhvi Prachi on Saturday reacted sharply to Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat’s comments that all Indians, regardless of their religion, share the same DNA.
She opined that the DNA of “beef eaters” can never be found among Hindus.
The controversial leader also urged the Central government to bring a law on population control and implement strict measures to discourage people from having more than two children.
While speaking at an event in Rajasthan’s Dausa, Sadhvi Prachi said, “Maybe people of India share the same DNA but the DNA of those who eat cow meat can never be found among us.
Talking about the population control in the country, she said that a law should be passed in Parliament regarding population control and government facilities for people having more than two children should be stopped as well as the right to vote should also be taken away.
“It does not matter how many wives you have, there should be only two children,” she added.
Shifting focus to the “love jihad”, Sadhvi Prachi said, “In the name of love jihad in Rajasthan, girls are being deceived and converted.”
“Leave the politics of votes and focus on saving Hindu daughters,” she said directing a dig at the Congress-led Rajasthan government.
Speaking about the murder of a Dalit youth in Jhalawar, Sadhvi Prachi said Congress should be ashamed that people of other sects have tortured a Dalit youth to death and it is doing politics in the state.