Bollywood actress and environmental activist Juhi Chawla, on May 31, filed a lawsuit in Delhi High Court against the implementation of 5G wireless networks in the country. Juhi who is largely popular for her onscreen works in movies such as Ishq, Darr, Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak, Yes Boss, etc, raised her concern over issues related to the impact of the radiation on citizens, animals, flora, and fauna. The actress argued that radiofrequency radiation has a 100 times greater effect on humans and animals than it exists today. The hearing of the suit was to take place today (June 2) at noon.
“No person, no animal, no bird, no insect and no plant on Earth will be able to avoid exposure, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to levels of RF radiation that are 10x to 100x times greater than what exists today,” Juhi said in her statement.
The actress, however, added that they are not against the implementation of technological advancements but are of the belief that the radiation is “extremely harmful” and injurious to the health and safety of the people.
Meanwhile, the virtual hearing which was to start at 3 pm today, was interrupted and you will be surprised to know why. The live session was interrupted not once, twice but thrice after an unidentified man started singing the actress’ songs such as Ghoonghat Ki Aad Se (Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke), Meri Banno Ki Aayegi Baraat (Aaina), and Lal Lal Hoton Pe Gori Tera Naam Hai (Najaayaz). Following the incident, the unknown man was removed from the session.
Later on, the courtroom was also ‘locked’ by the court staff to not allow any participant to unmute themselves. A contempt of notice was issued against the person. The court further ordered Delhi Police to take necessary action.
Ahead of the hearing, the Ishq actress took to her Instagram and appealed to her fans and followers to join the virtual hearing being conducted at the Delhi High Court.
On the movie front, Juhi who has been missing in action for a long time now, was last seen in the 2019 coming-of-age romantic-comedy-drama Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga. The film also starred father-daughter duo Anil Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor