In a historic development, Yogi Adityanath took oath as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh for a second consecutive term. KP Maurya and Brajesh Pathak were sworn in as Deputy CMs. Among other prominent names that have been included in the Yogi Adityanath Cabinet include – Surya Pratap Shahi, Suresh Kumar Khanna, Swatantra Dev Singh, Baby Rani Maurya, Laxmi Narayan Choudhary, JPS Rathore, Aseem Arun, Arvind Sharma, Sandeep Singh, Sanjay Nishad, Jitin Prasad, Suresh Khanna are likely to get cabinet berth in the new Yogi Adityanath government besides others.
In what is being viewed as a bold decision, big names such as Dinesh Sharma, Sidharth Singh, Shrikant Sharma, Ashutosh T, Mahendra Singh have not been included in the new Yogi Cabinet. Other prominent names include – Jaivir Singh, Dharmapal Singh, Narendra Gopal Gupta Nandi, Bhupendra Singh Choudhary, Anil Rajbhar, Jitin Prasad
Full list of ministers in Yogi Adityanath Cabinet
KP Maurya – Deputy CM
- Brajesh Pathak – Deputy CM
Surya Pratap Shahi
- Suresh Kumar Khanna
- Swatantra Dev Singh
- Baby Rani Maurya
- Laxmi Narayan Choudhary
- Jaivir Singh
- Dharmpal Singh
- Narendra Gopal Gupta Nandi
- Bhupendra Singh Choudhary
- Anil Rajbhar
- Jitin Prasada
- Rakesh Sachan
- AK Sharma
- Yogendra Upadhyay
- Ashish Patel
- Sanjay Nisha
- Ministers of State
Nitin Agrawal
- Kapil Dev Agrawal
- Ravindra Jaiswal
- Sandeep Singh
- Gulab Devi
- GC Yadav
- Dharmveer Prajapati
- Asim Arun
- JPS Rathore