The newly elevated Judge, Justice Manmohan took oath as Supreme Court’s Judge on Thursday. He was reportedly appointed by the Central Government on December 3 after having served as the Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court earlier. Chief Justice Of India (CJI) Sanjiv Khanna administered his oath in the first court in the presence of other judges.
According to reports, the Supreme Court previously recommended his elevation to the Apex Court on November 23. SC will now have a total of 33 judges against a sanctioned strength of 34 judges.
The Collegium led by CJI Khanna observed that Justice Manmohan ranks No. 2 in the combined all-India seniority of the judges of the High Court. The Top Court, while recommending his name considered the facts such as him being the senior-most Judge in the HC. Additionally, the bench in the SC is presently represented by only one Delhi High Court Judge.
Who Is Justice Manmohan?
Born on December 17, 1962, Justice Manmohan is the son of Jagmohan Malhotra, Ex-Governor of Jammu and Kashmir as well as Ex-Lt Governor of Delhi. Reports revealed that he was designated as Delhi High Court’s senior advocate on January 18, 2003. He was also appointed as an Additional Judge of HC back in the year 2008 and was made a permanent Judge on December 17, 2009. In September, Justice Manmohan took charge as the Chief Justice of the High Court.