Earlier this week, actor Vikrant Massey left everyone shocked as he announced an indefinite break from the film industry. Taking to his Instagram handle, the actor wrote about the need to go back home and live as a husband, a father and a son. However, News24 have exclusively learnt that there is no truth about the retirement plan.
Vikrant Massey’s Post
Vikrant’s Instagram Post read, “The last few years and beyond have been phenomenal. I thank each and every one of you for your indelible support. But as I move forward, I realise it’s time to recalibrate and go back home. As a Husband, Father & a Son. And also as an Actor,” Vikrant wrote in the note. He added, “So coming 2025, we would meet each other for one last time. Until time deems right. Last 2 movies and many a years of memories. Thank you again. For everything and everything in between.”
However, the post was misinterpreted as people assumed that Vikrant has announced his retirement at the age of 36. He later clarified it to News18 that the reason he has taken up this decision is the mental and physical exhaustion he is dealing with. “I’m not retiring… Just burned out. Need a long break. Miss home and health are also acting up… People misread it [the social media post],” Vikrant said.
He added, “Acting is all I can do. And it has given me everything I have. My physical and mental health have taken a hit. I just want to take some time off, want to better my craft. I feel a sense of monotony at the moment. My post has been misinterpreted. That I am quiting or retiring from acting. I want to take some time off to focus on my family and health. I would be back when the time feels right.”
Is It A Gimmick?
A source close to Vikrant and his team informed that this is a mere antic and Vikrant is not taking a break at the moment. “It’s a gimmick to promote his upcoming film ‘Zero Se Restart’ – a documentary giving insight into the making of critically acclaimed film 12th Fail,” informed the source.
Meanwhile, the actor started shooting for Aankhon Ki Gustaakhiyan, a film that also stars Shanaya Kapoor. The actors were spotted in Dehradun meeting the Chief Minister days after Vikrant announced break.
About Zero Se Restart
Trailer of ‘Zero Se Restart’ was released two days ago and it shows Vidhu and Vikrant working tirelessly for the film. In one of the scenes, Vidhu is seen instructing an actor to throw a slipper with full force, while in another scene, lead actor Vikrant is seen rubbing dirt on his slippers to make them look old.
Sharing the official trailer on Instagram, makers of ‘Zero Se Restart’ wrote, “Get ready for a glimpse into the madness that led to the creation of one of the most loved films of Indian Cinema!”
‘Zero Se Restart’ was recently premiered at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa and received a standing ovation from audience. The documentary film is narrated, edited and directed by Jaskunwar Kohli.
Vikrant Massey’s Previous Gimmicks
After Vikran’ts announcement, several people felt that it could be a PR strategy to grab attention. Many colleagues of the actor, including Harshvardhan Rane also shared a similar notion. Doubts arouse because it’s not the first time that Vikrant played a prank as part of the marketing strategy. Earlier, a video of him arguing with a cab driver went viral.
In the video, the cab driver is heard saying, “My name is Ashish. I am a cab driver. I have dropped my passenger at his location but he is not giving me money and he is abusing me verbally.” He then pans the camera towards Vikrant, who tries to conceal his face with hand and goes on, “Why have you taken out the camera? Are you threatening me? I am justified here. How has the amount increased on the app? This will not work.” The cab driver then argues, “How is this my fault? You earn so much money. Why are you arguing?” Vikrant responds, “It doesn’t matter whose money it is. It is hard earned money.”
Well, only the time could tell if it’s indeed a marketing gimmick or not!