Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav dubbed the BJP a “confused” party, insisting that the ruling party would lose the ongoing Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections. Hitting out at the other party over the recent bank fraud involving the ABG Group, he alleged that the BJP government was for the rich as the poor do not get loans easily whereas the “big industrialists loot the banks and run away.”
Countering Union Minister SP Singh Baghel’s recent remarks on Mulayam Singh Yadav, the SP leader said that the BJP “had a problem if Neta Ji comes close or goes far”. The BJP, he added, should thank him for not saying anything about their families. “I don’t utter a word, as this poll is for unemployment, inflation, etc,” he added.
“The industrialists who eloped after looting banks are also linked with someone, the whole country knows. I saw a BJP MP meeting one such industrialist with such gratitude, it felt as if he was touching the feet of Pakistan’s Prime Minister, he alleged.
In recent days, UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and other BJP leaders had linked the Samajwadi Party to the Ahmedabad blasts case, noting that a convict’s father was an active SP worker. “Why should I give an explanation? Central agencies should investigate, I sit in the Lok Sabha where big leaders and ministers sit. The public has shocked BJP (with their votes), so you will see many such statements further as well,” Yadav countered in Raebareli today.