There seems to be more trouble ahead for tainted wrestler Sushil Kumar as the crime branch of the Delhi Police has reportedly filed a charge sheet against the two-time Olympic medallist in connection with the Chhatrasal Stadium brawl case on Monday. As per the latest developments in the alleged killing of wrestler Sagar Dhankar, veteran Indian grappler Sushil has been named as the main accused in the infamous murder case by the law enforcement agency of the national capital.
Eighty-nine days after the Delhi Police made the first arrest in the Sagar Dhankar murder case, cops have successfully filed the chargesheet to make sure there is no relief for the accused in the high-profile case. The Delhi Police has mentioned severe charges against Sushil in the murder case of wrestler Sagar.
A total of fifteen accused have been arrested in the murder case by Delhi Police while five are on the run. Besides wrestler Sushil, the chargesheet has been filed against 9 others in connection with the alleged murder of wrestler Sagar. Delhi Police’s final report was reportedly filed before Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) Satvir Singh Lamba on Monday in Rohini.
Sushil, who is India’s only world champion in wrestling history was arrested by the Delhi Police for his alleged involvement in the murder case. Cops had earlier claimed that Sushil is the main culprit and mastermind behind the infamous Chhatrasal Stadium brawl which led to the death of wrestler Sagar.
The shocking arrest of the two-time Olympic medallist had become a major topic of discussion on the occasion of World Wrestling Day in May. Late wrestler Sagar was allegedly beaten to death in a scuffle outside the Chhatrasal Stadium in the national capital. The former junior champion and two of his friends were also injured in the brawl that took place on May 4.