Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal began his four-day Uttar Pradesh tour, addressing recent allegations that the Aam Aadmi Party chief was supporting separatists. Hitting out at the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the AAP convenor said that raids by the Enforcement Directorate, CBI and other investigative bodies had failed to turn up any evidence of wrongdoing against him.
“BJP conducted raids of all agencies but they did not get anything. When I asked, he said that there is some poet in Ghaziabad who told that Kejriwal is a terrorist. Modi ji remove all agencies….RAW, NIA, CBI, ED…and keep that poet. He will tell who is a terrorist,” the AAP leader said in Lucknow.
The Delhi Chief Minister said that he was a ‘terrorist’ who ‘scares the corrupt’ and cited a dialogue from the Sholay movie. “Jab baccha bhrashtachar karta hai toh maa kehti hai soja beta varna Kejriwal aajayega…” he quipped.
Earlier on Sunday, the Delhi BJP had accused Kejriwal of having an “anti-nation mindset”, and said that he had “bought votes” by taking money from Khalistanis. “The harsh truth is that he (Kejriwal) is buying votes by taking money from Khalistanis and agreeing with whatever they say. He now calls himself the sweetest terrorist and it’s right because he included in AAP those involved in Delhi riots,” claimed Delhi BJP chief Adesh Gupta.
The remark alludes to Kejriwal’s recent contension that the allegations were “laughable” and that he must be the “world’s sweetest terrorist” who builds schools and hospitals. “They have all teamed up against me and they are calling me a terrorist. It is comedy. If that is the case, then why doesn’t (Prime Minister Narendra) Modi ji have me arrested?” Kejriwal had asked during a press conference last week.
Ahead of the fourth phase of the UP Assembly elections, Kejriwal today began his four-day tour of the state to drum up support for party candidates. The Delhi chief minister,began with an address at a public meeting in the state capital’s Qaisarbagh area, and will be visiting Barabanki and Prayagraj and Gorakhpur during the four-day visit. He will also join various election-related programmes of the AAP. He will be joined by the party’s Uttar Pradesh in-charge Sanjay Singh, and three-four MLAs from Delhi