Following the violence in Sambhal, members of a three-member judicial inquiry committee entered the Shahi Jama Masjid today for inspection, amid heightened security. The three-member panel appointed by CM Yogi Adityanath will probe the November 24 Sambhal violence. Retired Allahabad High Court judge, Justice Devendra Kumar Arora will head the panel which comprises Retired IAS officer Amit Mohan Prasad and retired IPS officer Arvind Kumar Jain. They will be submitting the probe report within two months.
This comes after the Supreme Court on Nov 29 asked the Sambhal trial court to stop its proceedings in the suit against the Shahi Jama Masjid, till the petition filed by the Masjid Committee against the survey order is listed in the Allahabad High Court.
On the Judicial Inquiry Committee probing the Sambhal violence, Moradabad Divisional Commissioner Aunjaneya Kumar Singh said, ” The probe committee will decide what should be done, we just need to assist them, wherever they go and collect the evidence. Security arrangements are in place, and security forces have been deployed in the areas they will be visiting. They will decide the next procedure after that.”
At least four people were killed and many others were wounded following a clash in Sambhal during a court-ordered survey at Shahi Jama Masjid.