Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar has congratulated Neeraj Chopra for securing a nomination for the prestigious Laureus ‘World Breakthrough of the Year’ award on Thursday. One of the greatest cricketers in the history of the sport, batting legend Tendulkar shared a special note for Neeraj, who was short-listed for the prestigious award ahead of the annual ceremony.
Taking to Twitter a day after Laureus revealed the names of six incredible who burst onto the scene in the world of sports last year, Tendulkar saluted Neeraj for representing India on the world stage. “My heartiest congratulations to you @Neeraj_chopra1 for your continued success representing India on the world stage. #Laureus22 nomination is another great achievement – with many more to come!,” Tendulkar said
Batting great Tendulkar had received Laureus best sporting moment award in 2020. Tendulkar being carried on the shoulders of his teammates following India’s historic World Cup triumph in 2011 was voted as the Laureus best sporting moment in the last 20 years during the 2020 edition of the awards ceremony. Neeraj, who bagged India’s first gold medal in athletics at the Tokyo Games 2020, is the first Indian to be featured in the star-studded list for Laureus ‘World Breakthrough of the Year’ award.