Ranbir Kapoor, who turned a year older on Wednesday (September 28), celebrated his birthday with the fans in style in Mumbai. His followers surprised the Sanju actor by lining up outside his home, bringing a cake for their favourite star. The Ae Dil Hai Mushkil actor and Alia Bhatt, who were travelling, stopped their SUV to interact with the fans and thank them for their wishes and blessings.
From treating the birthday boy with cake to singing songs for him, the fans showered Ranbir Kapoor with love as they talked to him. The Shamshera star, while sitting inside his care, happily obliged for selfies. It was indeed a dream come true for the young fans, who came specially to meet the Rockstar actor.
Looking dapper in a blue shirt and denims, Ranbir cut a delicious cake with the fans. When the fans and paparazzi started singing the birthday song, Alia Bhatt also joined them and crooned for her dearest husband. The Gangubai Kathiawadi actress, who looked radiant in a yellow traditional outfit, met the fans, shaking hands with them.
On the professional front, Ranbir and Alia were seen together for the first time on the big screen in Brahmastra. The superhero flick co-starring Amitabh Bachchan and Mouni Roy is still running successfully in the theatres.
While the two lovebirds are basking in the success of their movie, they are also eagerly waiting the arrival of their first child.
Here’s wishing Ranbir Kapoor a very happy birthday!