In February 2021, actress Gehana Vasisth was arrested by the Mumbai Police in an alleged porn film racket. The actress was put behind the bars for five months and was granted bail in June 2021. It was alleged that Gehana was involved in the creation of porn but the actress has a different take on the same. And now, on July 19, Shilpa Shetty’s husband and businessman Raj Kundra was arrested by Mumbai Police in the same case and Gehana was also named as a prime accused.
Now, in an interview, Gehana spoke in length about her and Raj’s arrest and how she spent five months in jail for “a crime that she didn’t commit.” The actress also claimed that Raj didn’t force anyone to shoot porn films and the girls who are coming forward and alleging that he did force them, are “lying” specially Poonam Pandey and Sherlyn Chopra.
While interacting with the Bombay Times, Gehana revealed that the whole matter started on February 4, 2021, when some people were caught shooting a porn film on Madh Island. Post which, 14 officials reached Gehana’s house in Lokhandwala “without a warrant” and took her to the police station. Later, as per Gehana, a charge-sheet was made in Marathi and as she is not aware of the language, she couldn’t understand the charges that were levelled upon her, and hence, she couldn’t apply for anticipatory bail. “The police did what they wanted to do,” said Gehana.
Later, during the interview, Gehana talked about Raj Kundra’s arrest and also said that he didn’t force anyone to shoot porn films. “Raj did not force anyone to shoot porn films. Raj has a business running from outside India. Hotshots was his app. Armsprime was his company that had created apps for Sherlyn Chopra, Poonam Pandey, me, and others. All the girls who are alleging that they were pushed into it, particularly Sherlyn and Poonam, are lying. Whatever they create has nothing to do with Raj. They all feared being embroiled in the matter and so, they named Raj,” Gehana was quoted as saying.
The actress also slammed Poonam and said that she has been doing nude videos for years. Poonam’s husband and she have worked on so many videos and the actress-model’s own app today has nothing to do with Armsprime (Raj Kundra’s company).
Earlier, Raj was sent to police custody till July 23, 2021, but later, his custody got extended. The businessman will be under police custody till July 27, 2021. On July 23, the Crime Branch raided Raj and Shilpa’s houses and other properties for further investigation.