BJP has slammed Former Congress Cheif Rahul Gandhi over his remarks on ‘Unemployment’ which he made regarding India during his US visit. BJP stated that ‘Congress’ is eager and has a habit of batting for China against India and passing Insulting remarks against the country.
The Ruling party’s spokesperson Pradeep Bhandari stated that Rahul Gandhi has now developed a habit of spreading falsehood against India and he has become too evil for the Country.
Giriraj Singh Also Slammed Rahul Gandhi
Not only BJP spokesperson but Union Minister Giriraj Singh also slammed Rahul Gandhi over his controversial remarks on the Nation. Giriraj Singh Stated “India has rejected Congress for the third consecutive time under the leadership of Mr. Gandhi. India once used to import defence and today it is exporting it. Our Country once used to import worth Rs 19 Lakh Crores has now reached Rs 80 Lakh Crores. And Rahul Gandhi is going abroad and abusing India and praising our enemy Country China.
He further added, “It seems like He is thriving on China’s money and is going abroad to do a positive imaging of China.” Giriraj Singh further praised PM Modi and said that if the PM did not been there to protect the Constitution cases of treason would have been registered against such people who go out and speak ill about India.
Gandhi arrived in Texas on Sunday for his three-day visit. The Congress MP received a warm welcome at the Airport from the Chairman of Indian Oversees Congress, Sam Pitroda and the members from the Indian Dispora.