Pushpa 2, featuring Allu Arjun, is creating significant buzz, not only for the film itself but also due to the ongoing stampede controversy involving the actor. The case related to Pushpa 2: The Rule has been rescheduled, with a local court in Hyderabad set to hear it on January 3, 2025. On Sunday, trade analyst Manobala Vijayabalan shared an update on his X (formerly Twitter) account, stating, “BREAKING: Verdict on Allu Arjun bail hearing pushed to January 3rd.”
Flashback to the case
During the premiere of his movie Pushpa 2, a stampede occurred when the actor stepped out of his car to greet fans, causing chaos in the crowd. Tragically, a woman lost her life, and her son sustained serious injuries and has been in the hospital recovering.
Due to his involvement in the incident, Allu Arjun was arrested on December 13 and appeared in court, where he was ordered to spend 14 days in custody. However, he was later granted temporary bail for four weeks after posting a personal bond of Rs 50,000.
Allu Arjun completed his custody period on December 27 and appeared in court via video conference. While the court did not announce a decision at that time, the next hearing was scheduled for December 30 but has since been moved to January 3, 2025.
Recently, the actor faced questioning by the Hyderabad police regarding the incident. Reports suggest that the police plan to request the court to revoke his temporary release. They allege that on December 4, Allu Arjun refused to leave the Sandhya theatre when asked, leading to the stampede.
As of now, Allu Arjun has not responded to these allegations. Meanwhile, a group of protesters gathered outside his home, demanding justice. During the protest, parts of his property were damaged. In response to the vandalism, additional security measures have been implemented around the actor’s residence.