Priyanka Chopra is leading a rather luxurious life with hubby Nick Jonas in Los Angeles. The actress, who got married to Nick in 2018, has moved into a super fancy mansion in the Encino area of Los Angeles. Before moving into this multi-crore property, the two were living in another house in LA that they sold out for $6.5 million to 22-year-old tennis phenom Naomi Osaka.
In an interview with Vogue, Priyanka had once mentioned, “For me home is wherever I’m happy, as long as I have the people I love around me. I have homes in Mumbai and New York, which are very vertical cities. LA is more horizontal.” Well, if you have been following Priyanka and Nick on Instagram then you would have already got a glimpse of how gorgeous her house looks from the inside. The much-in-love couple keeps sharing home videos and photos, every now and then. It’s the price of the house that will further leave your mind blown – it is estimated to be $20 million which is approximately Rs 144 crore!
Today, as Priyanka celebrates her birthday, we decided to give you a detailed virtual tour of our Desi Girl’s LA home and share everything we know about the house. To begin with, it’s a 7 bedroom mansion with 11 bathrooms. Know more about other amenities by scrolling down, one pic at a time!
Inside Priyanka Chopra’s LA home
Priyanka and Nick’s home is equipped with all the luxuries, making it the perfect adobe. The house comprises a two-lane bowling alley, a movie theatre with a screen of IMAX proportions, a mirror-walled gymnasium, a wet bar, and an indoor basketball court. They also have a lounge/games room underground with a pool table, as reported by The Wall Street Journal.