It was in January that Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas announced the arrival of their first child, later confirmed a baby girl, via surrogacy. Since then, Priyanka has been wrapped up in mommy duties and isn’t as active as she would be on social media. However, she does share glimpses of her life every now and then. On Thursday, the diva stepped out for shopping and was spotted in Los Angeles in a de-glam avatar.
The new mom wore a strappy top by Global Citizen, a pair of blue yoga pants, a loose jacket and a trendy push-up bralette with Gucci clogs. She was seen holding her luxurious handbag with a shopping bag and was spotted exiting the Melanie Grant store. Opting for an easy, off-duty look, Priyanka, who has caramel highlights, went in for a messy top knot with a pair of dark sunglasses.
Being one of her rare public appearances since her baby, netizens were quick to talk about it, mostly about the child. As trolls gathered around to ask “where’s the baby?” and comments like “she’s probably bought her baby,” fans of the Isn’t It Romantic actress soon defended her and asked trolls to keep a check on their words as the celeb parents want to keep their life private.
A troll asked, “Where’s da baby?” A fan then replied and said, “…at home maybe. With the baby’s father. Both the parents can share responsibilities and the mother can take a break once in a while. Is it too tough to understand or do you accompany you(r) mom everywhere?”
The troll then said, “Considering the fact she didn’t carry the baby, I assume pretty much everyone is dying to see the baby, don’t you think.” The fan said that no one is “dying to see the baby.” “No one is dying to see the baby. It’s their child and their personal life. So no,” the netizen replied.
In the meantime, Priyanka spent her Sundays with her husband Nick Jonas and shared selfies of the couple’s long drives. A while back, she dropped a cute picture of lots of soft animals and a lord Ganesha murti that is probably the newborn’s toys.