Prime Minister Narendra Modi appeared in his first podcast with Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath. In the pre-recorded podcast released on Friday, PM Modi threw light on his three terms as Prime Minister, saying that when he first assumed the top post, people were trying to understand him, and during the second term, his focus was on the perspective of the past.
During his interaction with Kamath, the Prime Minister also elaborated on his ideas pertaining to the future of India. He asserted that his focus will be on finding solutions to ensure 100 percent delivery of government schemes.
“I want solutions to all problems by 2047 for Viksit Bharat…There should be 100% delivery of government schemes. This is real social justice and secularism. The driving force behind this is AI—”Aspirational India’,” he further stated.
Earlier in the trailer released by the Zerodha co-founder, who hosted the podcast, Modi recalled that in a speech as Gujarat chief minister, he said that mistakes happen and he too can make some. “I am also a human, not a god,” the prime minister said in the trailer.
The Prime Minister was also seen advocating for good people to enter politics, stressing that they should come with a mission, not ambition. Sharing the trailer on X, Modi said, “I hope you all enjoy this as much as we enjoyed creating it for you!”