Being in the entertainment industry for more than 3 decades, actor Pankaj Berry has experienced it all. From doing a series of Bollywood films to impressing the audience with his memorable roles on TV, the actor has been at it. Even today, he continues to work like never before and the actor has just entered the popular mythological show, Mere Sai – Shraddha Aur Saburi. After his last show, Sargam Ki Sadhe Sati went off-air, Pankaj agreed to come on board for the show, which stars Tushar Dalvi, and other actors.
In a recent chat with Times Now Digital, Pankaj Berry shed light on his more than 3-decade long journey and the struggles he faced during his career.
Looking back at his journey in showbiz, he said, “(My) journey has been interesting. A lot of ups and downs come in life, which came in my life too. Like in 1992, everybody knows that mera major accident ho gaya tha (I met with an accident) while shooting for Sainik. Because that time I was doing many films, vo nuksaan hua tha mera bohot filmein haath se chali gai (I lost a lot of films). Ups and downs kept coming, but I sailed through that and now I am here. I am enjoying this journey and I have a lot of fun while working because I am a workaholic kind of person.
The actor added that after his play got hit in Chandigarh, one of the big names from the industry was hunting for talent for his bilingual film. When some people suggested Pankaj’s name, he got into films. Speaking of the same, he quipped:
On the work front, the film and TV actor Pankaj Berry has a lot of projects lined up