The Kashmir Files director Vivek Agnihotri has begun shooting for his next The Vaccine War in Hyderabad. The film stars Anupam Kher, Nana Patekar, Pallavi Joshi and others in key roles. Amidst all, Pallavi Joshi got injured on the sets of The Vaccine War in Hyderabad today (January 16, 2023). Isn’t it shocking?
Pallavi Joshi injured on The Vaccine War sets
A source close to the development informed us a vehicle lost control and hit the actress, who was shooting on the sets of The Vaccine War. It has to be noted that she got injured, however, despite concentrating on her injury, she finished her shot and went for treatment.
Fortunately, nothing serious happened. Pallavi is currently being treated at a local hospital and is said to be doing well.