Power Minister RK Singh said Delhi power stations have four days worth of coal reserves, adding, SMSs by power distribution companies created undue panic.
“We have an average coal reserve (at power stations) that can last for more than 4 days. The stock is replenished every day. I am in touch with (Union Minister for Coal & Mines) Pralhad Joshi,” Singh was quoted by ANI as saying after he held a meeting with officials of BSES, and Tata Power.
The Minister said he “warned Tata Power CEO of action if they send baseless SMSs to customers that can create panic”. Messages by GAIL & Tata Power qualify as acts of irresponsible behaviour, he added.
The Union Minister further added the panic ensued after GAIL sent informed the Bawana gas power plant that it will stop supplying gas after 2 days because their contract was about to expire.
“I’ve asked GAIL CMD, who participated in today’s meeting, to continue required supplies. He has assured me that the supplies will continue. Neither there was any shortage of gas in the past, nor will it happen in the future,” the minister further said.
Threatened with blackouts amid an acute shortage of coal for power generation, Punjab has raised an alarm saying less than two days worth of stocks are left. Tata Power Delhi Distribution, which supplies power to north and northwest Delhi asked citizens to use electricity “judiciously” citing fast-depleting stocks of coal resources.
According to reports, half of India’s 135 coal-fired plants which meet 70% of country’s electricity demand, have stocks to last just three days.
Ministry of Power on Saturday said an inter-ministerial sub-group led by Coal Ministry has been monitoring the coal stock situation twice a week. It said Core Management Team (CMT) was formed on August 27, 201, comprising of representatives from MOP, CEA, POSOCO, Railways and Coal India Limited (CIL) to ensure daily monitoring and manage the coal stock and ensure equitable distribution of coal, Ministry of Power.