Actress Sonam Kapoor, who became a mother last week, brought her baby son home from the hospital on Friday (August 26) afternoon. As Sonam and Anand got down from the car after reaching dad Anil Kapoor’s residence, they smiled at the paparazzi and waved at the cameras stationed outside their home. Sonam and Anand were seen twinning in white.
In a sweet gesture, new dad Anand Ahuja and new grandfather Anil Kapoor distributed sweets to the paparazzi and greeted them with a smile. They even distributed the sweets to the police officers, who have been stationed outside Anil’s Juhu residence.
In the videos shared by several paparazzi, Sonam, Anand, and the newborn were welcomed with a puja at the residence. The house was also decked up with balloons.
Earlier, a picture of the first glimpse of Sonam’s baby was shared by Rhea Kapoor. While the face of the baby was hidden, Sonam’s sister Rhea shared a heartwarming note on the arrival of her nephew. In the photo, Rhea can be seen shedding tears of joy and Sinita Kapoor can be seen adorably looking at the baby.
She captioned it, “Rhea masi is not ok. The cuteness is too much. The moment is unreal. I love you @sonamkapoor the bravest mommy and @anandahuja the most loving dad. Special mention new nani @kapoor.sunita #mynephew #everydayphenomenal”.
Sonam and Anand announced the arrival of the son through a social media post. It read, “On 20.08.2022, we welcomed our beautiful baby boy with bowed heads and open hearts. Thank you to all of the doctors, nurses, friends and family who have supported us on this journey. It’s only the beginning, but we know our lives are forever changed.”
Sonam and Anand tied the knot in 2018 in Mumbai and mostly lived in London. On the work front, Sonam will be next seen in the film, Blind.