Waging a war on drugs, Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma burned seized contraband worth nearly Rs 163 crore. Addressing the reporters after the event, the CM said it is his national duty to cut the supply line and stop production.
The contraband has been destroyed to give out a message of zero-tolerance against illegal drugs, he said.
“I know that drugs are sent to the mainland of India from Assam. It’s my national duty to cut the supply line and stop production,” he added.
‘Full operational freedom given to Assam Police to deal with drug menace’
On Saturday, the CM said that he had given complete “operational freedom” to the cops to deal with drug traffickers and dealers and “act decisively” to uproot the drug menace from society.
Speaking at a seized drug disposal event in Golaghat, Sarma, “I want to give this clear message to the drug dealers that as the chief minister, I have given full freedom to the police to take toughest actions as allowed by law against this crime.
Sarma shared the photographs from the drug disposal event, saying, “the last rites of drugs in Assam! In seized drugs disposal program at Hojai today, 353.62 grams heroin, 736.73 kg ganja and 45,843 tablets have been destroyed.”
‘People inside the government also involved in these rackets’
The action against drugs has intensified after Home Minister Amit Shah, during his visit to Assam two years ago, held deliberations with the director generals of police (DGPs) of the northeastern states to cut drug supply lines.
Since then, the state government has taken tough actions against drug trafficking across the region.
The CM said that “strong intelligence network and cultivating sources” were vital to deal with it as “people inside the government” are also involved in these rackets.
Drugs worth Rs 163 crore have been seized, and 1,493 people have been arrested since his government assumed office two months ago.