Mollywood actress Priya Prakash Varrier rose to fame after leaving the internet smitten with her wink in her debut film Oru Addar Love. According to the reports in 2018, the actress not only became popular for her acting skills but also became the most searched personality on Google that year. Even today, we cannot get over the song.
Apart from turning into an overnight sensation after a teaser clip of the song Manikya Malaraya Poovi, the actress also faced numerous issues on social media platforms due to her ‘wink’ from the film.
During a conversation with an online portal, the actress opened up about how she faced trolls, hate comments and whatnot after her first film, which was released in 2019. She shared, “When I started out, a big blowup happened. The noise around my wink was something that was totally out of my control or power. I didn’t even get enough time to process what was happening. By then, trolls, memes and hate comments had already started.”
Priya further added, “Initially, it was a little hard to adjust to whatever was happening because as an 18-year-old outsider, I had no one guiding me or telling me the things that I should do or not do and how to deal with such a situation. When you face so many things so early on in your career, they tend to take a toll on you, and there’s a lot of self-doubts that come with it.”
Moving on, the diva also shared how over time, she got used to such trolls and learned to ignore unnecessary things. Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress is all set to enter the Bollywood entertainment world with her first film Love Hacker, which reportedly revolves around a true story.
In this film Priya will be portraying a role of a teenager who survives a cybercrime. We cannot wait to see what the actress has to offer!