Malayalam actor Kootickal Jayachandran, also known as KR Jayachandran, is in the news due to a serious legal case involving rape allegations. The Kerala police are searching for him as he fled after the incident. A lookout notice has been issued for his arrest. He is being accused of a severe crime involving the sexual assault of a 4-year-old girl. Since these serious allegations came to light, he has gone missing. The child’s mother reported the case to the local police in Kozhikode in 2024 with assistance from a team that helps protect children.
The actor had previously requested bail from the Kerala High Court, but his request was denied because of the evidence against him. Now, as reported by Mathrubhumi, he is making another attempt to secure bail, this time by seeking anticipatory bail from the Supreme Court.
The officials working on this case are giving a lot of importance to the child’s statement, treating it as reliable. Meanwhile, the police in Kerala are contacting the public for assistance in locating the actor involved.
An actor is facing serious allegations, including charges of rape and violations of a law designed to protect children from sexual offences. His lawyer has asked the Supreme Court for anticipatory bail, a legal request to avoid arrest until the case is reviewed. The court is expected to consider this request either this week or next.
According to reports by Kerala Kaumudi, a 4-year-old child was raped by Jayachandran at his paternal home. The child, who is the daughter of his close relative, disclosed the incident to his grandmother while attending a funeral. Her relatives promptly filed a formal complaint with the Kozhikode City Police Commissioner. The child later recounted the ordeal to both a psychologist and a magistrate. A medical examination was conducted, revealing injuries consistent with sexual assault.
The family of a survivor has expressed concern that not enough action has been taken against the person they accused, even though it has been six months since they filed their complaint. They fear that the accused individual might escape the country and that the child could be in danger.
In the meantime, Jayachandran was last seen acting in the Malayalam films ‘Chithini’ and ‘Thanupp,’ as well as in the TV series ‘Constable Manju.’