Yes it again Maharashtra CM vs Maharashtra Governor. As the state Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari had written a letter to Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray regarding women safety & security. In the letter, Hon Governor has asked CM Uddhav Thackeray to convene two days special session of the state assembly in the backdrop of the recent Sakinaka rape & murder case.
Hon. Governor in the letter had expressed the concern over women safety & security in the state. Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray had replied to his letter and requested him to write a letter to Home minister of India and Central Government to convey the 4 days special session of Parliament on the issue of ‘women safety & security’ as this issue is ‘National issue’ & not restricted to any particular state.
In the reply sent to Hon. Governor writes, I understand your concern about women in the state but its seems tone of your letter is women in the state are not safe.
Especially after the Sakinaka incident lot of representatives must have met you & that is why you are asking for special two days of assembly, but police had reached within 10 mins of the incident and accused is behind the bar. State had also made special ‘Nirbhaya teams’ in all the Police station.” further Chief Minister informed Hon.
Governor that he personally had called the meeting of all top officials of Home department and Police officials and informed them that Victim’s family should get justice.
Uddhav in a four-page letter written to Hon, Governor also said that when the Opposition is raising the issue of the Special Session of assembly and if the same issue has been raised by you then it may fuel further unwanted controversy & this is against the process of democracy.
Uddhav also cited incident happened in Delhi where crime against women has increased. Hence the issue ‘Women safety and Secuirty’ is a national issue and should be discussed at the national platform.