A Lok Sabha Member of Parliament (MP) Kaushalendra Kumar has called for government intervention in the controversy surrounding Tata Sons’ alleged attempt to bypass the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) public listing requirement. In a letter to Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, the four-time MP has requested to look into the matter as it may adversely impact the image of the Government of India and institutions like RBI, reported the Daily Pioneer.
The MP in his letter said, “The Reserve Bank of India is a vital institution in ensuring financial stability, transparency, and regulatory oversight in the country. Any situation compromising its independence could have severe consequences on investor confidence and the country’s financial structure….Government should ensure the integrity of the RBI’s regulatory processes and prevent any undue influence from corporate interests.”
Tata Sons, the holding company of the Tata Group, was classified as a systemically important entity under the RBI’s Scale-Based Regulation (SBR) framework in September 2023. This classification mandates the company to list its shares publicly.
However, reports suggest that Tata Sons is seeking to deregister itself as a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC), effectively avoiding the public listing requirement.
In the past, some analysts have raised concerns that this move could set a dangerous precedent and undermine the transparency and governance objectives of the SBR framework. A notice was also sent to RBI by a local Mumbai politician-activist early this month.
Complicating the matter is the dual role of Venu Srinivasan, the Vice Chairman of Tata Trusts and a director at Tata Sons, who also serves as a director at the RBI. Critics argue that Srinivasan’s influence in both entities could create a conflict of interest, potentially impacting regulatory decisions in favour of Tata Sons.
“It has come to light that Tata Sons, to circumvent regulatory obstacles, particularly regarding listing requirements, might take advantage of the position of Mr. Srinivasan in the RBI. Allegations suggest that his direct access to the RBI could be used to benefit Tata Sons, which weakens the financial oversight framework. Such attempts could tarnish the reputation of the RBI and, further down the line, that of the Government of India,” said the Lok Sabha MP in his letter.