Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Shivraj Singh Chouhan launched a blistering attack on Delhi CM and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal and Congress MP Rahul Gandhi while campaignig for the Gujarat Election 2022. While appealing to the electorate to vote for the saffron party, Chouhan described Kejriwal as a ‘babul’ tree and Rahul as a ‘shrub’.
PM Modi is a ‘Kalpvriksha’ tree, he will get what is needed for you and Kejriwal is a Babul tree, he will only get you thorns. Rahul Gandhi is a shrub that will destroy the crop, the MP CM said in Hindi.
Chouhan made the scathing remarks against the AAP national convenor and the Gandhi scion while campaigning for the BJP in Gujarat’s Mandvi.
The state of Gujarat and the entire country is happy under the leadership of PM Modi. “I am the maternal uncle of the sons and daughters of Madhya Pradesh as well as the paternal uncle of the sons and daughters of Gujarat,” Chouhan said in a lighter note. The MP CM is fondly called ‘Mama’ by his supporters in Madhya Pradesh.
Chouhan also targeted the Congress over Rahul Gandhi’s alleged “derogatory” remarks against freedom fighter V D Savarkar.
The Gujarat Assembly election 2022 will be held in two phases. While 89 Assembly segments will go to polls on December 1, the polling for the remaining 93 seats will be held on December 5.
The Election Commission will announce Gujarat election results on December 8.