Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren distributed portfolios to the new ministers in his government, holding onto key departments, including Home (which also covers the prison system), Cabinet Secretariat, and others, as per a government notification.
In the latest reshuffle, Congress MLA Radhakrishna Kishore has been assigned the finance portfolio. Meanwhile, Chamra Linda from the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) will oversee the Department of Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes, and Minorities.
RJD’s Sanjay Prasad Yadav has been appointed the Minister for Labour, Employment, and Training, while Congress leader Irfan Ansari has been entrusted with the Health, Medical Education, and Family Welfare Department.
Notably, Soren has retained control over several crucial departments, including Personnel, Administrative Reforms, Official Language, Road Construction, and Building Construction. Additionally, some departments are yet to be assigned to any minister.
The cabinet reshuffle follows the swearing-in of 11 MLAs as ministers in the Hemant Soren-led government, which took place on Thursday. Hemant Soren was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Jharkhand on November 28, continuing his leadership following his re-election.