In another major achievement for India, The Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has built the world’s highest motorable road at Umlingla Pass in Eastern Ladakh. The road has been constructed at an altitude higher than the Mount Everest base camps. The south base camp in Nepal is at an altitude of 17,598 feet, while the north base camp in Tibet is at 16,900 feet. This road has been built at a height of 19,300 feet
BRO has constructed a 52-km long tarmac road through Umlingla Pass, bettering the previous record of a road in Bolivia connecting to its volcano Uturuncu at 18,953 ft., the Ministry of Defence said on Wednesday. To put this altitude in another perspective, most large commercial aircraft fly at 30,000 feet and above, so this road is at an altitude that’s over half of that.
Sharing a picture of the road, BRO India tweeted, ” .And we reached the last milestone over the Mighty Umling La Pass by constructing the World’s Highest motorable road. The National Flag unfurls with Pride and Elan, telling the world – Flag of India सारे जहां से अच्छा हिंदोस्तान हमारा “.
The road through Umlingla Pass connects the important towns in Chumar sector of Eastern Ladakh. “It will prove to be a boon to the local population as it offers an alternate direct route connecting Chisumle and Demchok from Leh. It will enhance the socio-economic condition and promote tourism in Ladakh,” the Ministry added.
BRO earlier shared a video of ‘Making of World’s highest Motorable Road’. It tweeted, “Watch the Mountainous resolve of Proj Himank while constructing the World’s highest motorable road at Umlingla Pass. Man and Machine were tested at -40⁰ C and #BRO Karmayogis risking their lives successfully completed the most treacherous task in the world successfully.”
Commenting on the challenges faced by the BRO due to the harsh weather conditions during winters with temperature dipping to -40 degrees and altitude and oxygen levels 50 per cent less than at normal places, the Ministry said, “The BRO has achieved the feat due to the grit and resilience of its personnel who work in treacherous terrain and extreme weather conditions”.
It is worth adding that the road has been constructed much above the altitude of Siachen Glacier which is at 17,700 ft. The Khardung La Pass in Leh is at an altitude of 17,582 ft.