Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday inaugurated a 13-kilometer stretch of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat corridor, connecting Sahibabad to New Ashok Nagar. The project, built at an estimated cost of Rs 4,600 crore, marks a milestone in regional connectivity and introduces Delhi’s first Namo Bharat high-speed train service. The advanced train network promises to cut travel time between Delhi and Meerut to under 40 minutes, significantly improving the commute for millions.
During his ride on the Namo Bharat train, PM Modi purchased a smart ticket, interacted with passengers, and engaged with schoolchildren who recited poems and presented sketches to him. He also viewed an exhibition detailing the construction of the train network, where he received a model of the train from the National Capital Region Transport Corporation (NCRTC).
The Namo Bharat train offers modern amenities such as phone charging points, luggage storage, a dedicated women’s coach, and a premium coach. The fare for the stretch between New Delhi and Meerut has been set at Rs 150.
Major Development Projects In Delhi
Later in the day, the Prime Minister is set to inaugurate and lay the foundation for multiple development projects in Delhi worth over Rs 12,200 crore. These include:
Delhi Metro Phase-IV Expansion:
PM Modi will open a 2.8-kilometer stretch of the Janakpuri-Krishna Park line, built at a cost of Rs 1,200 crore. This is the first operational segment of Phase IV, improving connectivity in West Delhi areas such as Janakpuri, Vikaspuri, and Krishna Park.
The foundation stone for the 26.5-kilometer Rithala-Kundli corridor will also be laid. Estimated at Rs 6,230 crore, this section will enhance connectivity between Rithala in Delhi and Nathupur (Kundli) in Haryana, benefiting Rohini, Bawana, Narela, and Kundli.
PM Modi will lay the foundation for the state-of-the-art facility in Rohini, to be built at an estimated cost of Rs 185 crore. In addition to inaugurating these projects, PM Modi will address a public rally in the national capital at 1 p.m.