Banks in India will be closed on certain occasions in December 2024, The Reserve Bank of India’s website provides detailed information about these holidays and state on their official website: “All scheduled and non-scheduled banks will observe a public holiday on the second and fourth Saturday.” The specifc holidays may vary from state to state based on regional and national events, according to the RBI calendar.
Full List Of Bank Holidays in December 2024
December 3: Banks closed in Goa (Feast of St. Francis Xavier)
December 12: Banks closed in Meghalaya (Pa-Togan Nengminja Sangma)
December 18: Banks closed in Meghalaya (Death Anniversary of U SoSo Tham)
December 19: Banks closed in Goa (Goa Liberation Day)
December 24: Banks closed in Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya (Christmas Eve)
December 25: Christmas (Nationwide)
December 26: Banks closed in Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya (Christmas celebration)
December 27: Banks closed in Nagaland (Christmas celebration)
December 30: Banks closed in Meghalaya (U Kiang Nangbah)
December 31: Banks closed in Mizoram, Sikkim (New Year’s Eve/Lossong/Namsoong)
Though the physical banking operations will remain closed these days, customers would be able to avail of a host of other services electronically, which include UPI, IMPS and Internet banking. Such services allow users to make purchases such as bill payments, fund transfers, mobile recharges, cheque book request, and travel bookings without significant disruption.
For More details on bank holidays, customers can refer to the RBI’s website. Customers are urged to plan accordingly and take advantage of digital banking to perform their banking transactions during the festivals.