Centre has appointed three new Chief Justices for the High Courts of Allahabad, Patna and Chhattisgarh. The Ministry of Law and Justice notified of these new appointments on Friday, March 24, 2023. Union Law Minister Kiren Rijju has also extended his best wishes to the newly appointed Chief Justices of Patna High Court, Allahabad High Court and Chhattisgarh High Court.
At Allahabad High Court, Justice Pritinker Diwaker has been appointed as the Chief Justice. He previously served as a Judge for Allahabad High Court.
For the Chhattisgarh High Court, Justice Ramesh Sinha has been appointed as the new Chief Justice, He also served at the Allahabad High Court before his appointment as CJ of Chhattisgarh HC.
Lastly, Justice K Vinod Chandran has been appointed as the Chief Justice of the Kerala High Court, He previously served as a judge at the Kerala High Court.
As per an ANI report, Union Minister of Law and Justice Kiren Rijju extended his “best wishes to all of them” after the President appointed the new judges as Chief Justices to their respective High Courts.
Before his appointment as CJ of Patna High Court, Justice Chandran, he had been recommended as the Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court by the Collegium. However, this decision was recalled and Justice Chandran was appointed to the Patna HC.
The former Chief Justice of the Patna High Court, Justice Sanjay Karol has been elevated to the Supreme Court in February.
A month ago, the Collegium had recommended Justice TS Sivagnanam has the Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court, Justice Sonia Gokani as the CJ of Gujarat High Court. Along with these two appointments, the Supreme Court Collegium had recommended Justice Dhiraj Singh Thakur as the Chief Justice of Manipur High Court.