The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has named six Pakistani nationals and an Indian in an ongoing case of seizure of 237 kg narcotics from a Pakistan-based vessel from Gujarat in May last year. Sa
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The discovery of a new and more potent strain of SARS-CoV-2 found in parts of Europe including the UK, The Netherlands, Denmark and Austria has sent an alarm across the world as the British government
Read MoreThe government asked protesting farmer unions to specify their concerns over its earlier proposal of amendments in the new agri laws and choose a convenient date for the next round of talks so that th
Read MoreRahul Gandhi said he is "ready to work for the party as all desire" at a meeting today with Congress "dissenters" who had written a letter criticizing the leadership and calling for an overhaul earlie
Read MoreA part of Home Minister Amit Shah's Day 2 in West Bengal was retaliation against the "outsider" tag bestowed on the BJP by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. The former BJP chief, architect of a string o
Read MoreWork on the upcoming Noida International Airport is progressing as scheduled and the first flight is expected to take off by December 2023 or January 2024, a senior government executive said on Sunday
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