Bharatiya Janata Party MP Gautam Gambhir has been summoned by Delhi court over the alleged illegal construction of a library on government land. Petition claims, he built the library in collaboration with Delhi’s Municipal Corporation on land that was meant to be a dump yard. The former cricketer has been to appear in court on December 13.
The plea alleged illegal construction on government land in East Delhi’s Karkadooma. The petition claims that along with higher officials of Delhi’s Municipal Corporation, Gautam Gambhir took possession of ‘Dhalao Land’, which was meant for a dump yard.
The BJP MP allegedly established the library without any sanction from the authority. The litigants demanded that Gambhir’s encroachment of this land should be treated as a criminal offence.
In an order, Additional Senior Civil Judge Himanshu Raman Singh said, “Issue summons and application notice to the respondents (Gambhir and MCD) for 13th December 2022 for settlement of the issues.