Lashing out at Shiv Sena for corruption in Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), BJP MLA Ameet Satam says Shiv Sena aims at creating a world record in misconduct. Reportedly, he was referring to a project meant for project-affected people (PAP) in which the builder would benefit from Rs 600 crore.
“A proposal has been brought before the improvements committee for the project affected people. It is decided by the BMC to purchase 529 houses of 300 sq ft from a builder for Rs 52,000 per sq ft. Means each house for Rs 1.57 crore. So far, such houses were purchased for Rs 17 lakh. This would give a straight profit of Rs 600 crore to the builder,” Satam alleged.
Upset with the fudging of taxpayers’ money, the BJP MLA said it is a serious case of corruption. “We will not allow the Sena to exploit Mumbaikars like this and would approach court against the proposal. But it irks me that Shiv Sena in connivance with the builder is robbing the BMC’s exchequer,” he added.
While commenting on the corruption in buying houses, Ameet Satam also said that the Sena cries foul whenever there is any inquiry of misconduct. “If there is a raid from ED or income tax then you would cry it as against Marathi people. This is hypocrisy and Mumbaikars would expose you and show you the place,” he said.