In a shocking turn of events, actor Karan Nath and Riddhima Pandit got evicted from Bigg Boss OTT. The duo, who were one of the ‘connections’ on the Karan Johar-hosted reality show, had their share of ups, downs and controversies. One of their most talked-about moments, however, was when Riddhima landed in a massive war of words with fellow contestant Pratik Sehajpal and had an emotional breakdown on the show.
Opening up about the said incident, Karan shared that Riddhima has a tough time in the recent past, owing to the unfortunate loss of her mother. “Even our enemies shouldn’t go through this. It was very tough for her you know, and you can never come out of this. I just wanted to be there for her and consoled her and just be there for her. I always keep a track of her because I didn’t want her to cry and get emotional,” he said, adding that he was protective aboyt her.
“And I have to take care of her – she was my partner and it was all about connection in the house,” he said, and added that he gives her a lot of credit to show up on the show after going through such a big personal loss.
Karan further opined that he and Riddhima were the only connection who were playing honestly, straight from their hearts, while other contestants had set game plans. The actor, however, believes that their connection was still building, more by the day.
“We were both very honest. If she made any mistake, and she made one mistake and I corrected her then and there. So we were very honest with our approach and we never targeted anyone, we never played games. I thought this was an advantage of for us because we are an honest couple, different from others,” he said, adding that maybe the audience wanted something else.
The actor, however, comes out of the Bigg Boss house with no regrets. Happy with his journey, Karan said, “This is the way I have I am and I was being myself inside the house.” The actor is also elated that the response he has received from his fans, friends and family members for his conduct inside the Bigg Boss house has been good. For Karan, winning hearts is more important than winning the show, and the actor is happy in that regard.