Anjum Chopra, the former India skipper had a heartbreaking moment with the current Indian captain Harmanpreet Kaur after the Women in Blue’s loss against Australia by five runs in the first semi-final of the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup. While talking about Kaur, she said, this is not the first time she saw her play like this, especially when she was battling her health, having been to the hospital a day ago because of a fever.
ICC posted a video on their official social media account, where it can be seen the former Indian skipper is consoling the current Indian captain who was devasted. Chopra said, “My intention was to give the captain some empathy because that’s all I can offer from the outside. It was an emotional moment for both of us. It was a player-to-player moment with her. We were just trying to lessen our sorrows by sharing them.”
“This is not the first time I have seen her play like this. I have also seen her battling injuries and her health,” said Anjum Chopra while talking about Harmanpreet Kaur’s health. During the match, Kaur also needed medical emergency but it didn’t stop her from scoring 52 runs off just 34 balls and making a strong partnership with Jemimah Rodrigues, which was cut short by an unlucky dismissal as she was run out after her bat got stuck in the ground.
Anjum Chopra said, “Today she might not have even played, but because it was the semi-final of a World Cup and it’s Harmanpreet Kaur, she is a player who doesn’t back down but charges ahead, she did just that.” She further added, “Today, before the match started, she was able to bring herself to play this match. And continued with it while fielding by running all over the ground. The captain said I’ll go everywhere. And then with the bat, she rekindled India’s hopes. Of course, Jemimah Rodrigues also played a part. Five runs sometimes it’s a lot, sometimes it’s less but the way this match went I can understand what she must be going through.”
In the first innings of the match, Australia scored 172 runs for the loss of four wickets. India could only get 167 runs and failed to fulfill the target after a disappointing performance by the Indian openers. India needed 40 runs off 32 balls after Harmanpreet’s dismissal, however, the likes of Deepti Sharma and Rich Ghosh couldn’t handle the pressure and the Women in Blue fell short once again.