A contingent of producers from the Telugu film industry met the concerned Minister of I&PR Perni Nani on Tuesday over the government’s decision to go ahead with the online sale of movie tickets, which has not gone down well with certain sections of the political spectrum with vested interests who are carrying out a motivated campaign against the government without any premise.
Speaking to the press after the meeting, the Minister said, “Industry experts unanimously want the government to go ahead with the sale of tickets online. In fact, they themselves have stated that since 2004-2005, the industry has been demanding the same. Industry experts have distanced themselves from what Pawan Kalyan has been saying.”
Speaking about the government’s commitment towards the development on the film industry, he said “The industry is united and is happy with our decision. Whatever the Government does, it will be for the upliftment of the industry and those related to it. During the meeting with the elders of the industry today, they said that they were hopeful that the government will do whatever it takes to support the industry which has been struggling ever since the Covid-19 outbreak.”
Speaking about one particular actor who said condemnable things during the entire episode, the minister said, “The industry experts told us that they too condemn what the actor has said and that what he said isn’t their stand.”
Replying to Pawan Kalyan’s unparliamentarily comments, the Minister said, “Who abused? Was it me or him? He is speaking about my mother who is no more, she has taught me how to be civil, has he learnt that? Today, his industry also isn’t supporting what he is saying.”
Tollywood producer, Dil Raju who was part of the contingent which met the minister today, spoke to the media post the meeting and said, “We want transparency and so does the Government. We want an online sale of tickets. The taxes should go to the Government and the collections to producers. There is a little confusion about how the government will implement this in unison with private apps like Book My Show which are already selling tickets online. To resolve the same, we are going to have two more meetings with the officials but there is no doubt in the fact that the industry requested the Government for online ticketing.”