Apart from the fact that contestants get a chance to win crores of rupees on Kaun Banega Crorepati 13, the quiz show is highly popular because of Amitabh Bachchan. The Bollywood megastar has been hosting KBC for years and fans just love him for everything he does. Tonight on KBC 13, power couple Riteish Deshmukh and Genelia D’Souza featured as special guests and it was a total joy ride.
Throughout the episode, not just Riteish and Genelia but Big B also shared many amusing anecdotes. The couple also went on to share that whatever amount they will win on the show will go to the Impact Foundation, which is associated with the Tata Memorial Hospital and its pediatric cancer centre.
It so happened that Riteish told Big B that some kids from the hospital are online and the megastar instantly agreed to talk to them. During the chat, he asked the kids what toys they play with, adding that he would send them the toys they want. He further asked them about the gadget they play the games on and they said that they play on mobile phones.
To this, Big B asked if they have the phone with them and the kids said no. Listening to this, the megastar promised to give them phones. He said that the kids will be able to play games and will also be able to watch films.
He then asked them who their favourite actor is and the kids took his name. Smiling at the reaction, Big B joked that they are lying.
During the episode, Genelia also talked about her first advertisement, where she got the opportunity to share screen space with Big B. She recalled the time when they shot together and Big B requested a close-up of Genelia and not of himself.
After this, Riteish went on to credit Big B for his marriage with Genelia and said, “Had you not put the close-up that day, we might have not gotten married. Because of the close-up, she and I did our first film together. It’s all because of that one close-up you put up.”