Delhi’s air quality continues to remain in the ‘poor’ category on Tuesday morning for the second consecutive day after enduring pollution levels under the ‘very poor’ category until Sunday. A thin layer of smog enveloped several parts of the city today as the AQI was recorded as 268 in Wajipur, 199 in Alipur, 231 in Mundka, 258 in Jahangirpuri, 184 in Narela, 214 in R.K Puram, 315 in Anand Vihar, 192 in Pusa, and 279 in Punjabi Bagh as of 8 am. The Air quality may fluctuate in the coming days, but it likely stayed below 300 in many areas in Delhi. According to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), the overall AQI in Delhi was recorded as 274 at 8 am on Tuesday.
SC Refuses To Relax GRAP IV Measures
Though the air quality showed signs of improvement, the Supreme Court on Monday refused to relax the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) IV measures to control air pollution in Delhi. The apex court will hear parties on this matter on the next date of hearing.
Meanwhile, a bench led by Justices Abhay S Oka and AG Masih noted that NCR states ‘Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh’ didn’t adhere to the court’s direction to pay compensation to construction workers. The court has directed the Chief Secretaries in these states to be present virtually on next date of hearing.
On permitting relaxations in GRAP 4 measures, the top court clarified it will only be considered if they observe a downward trend in pollution levels. The matter is reportedly scheduled to be heard on Thursday and a decision on the aspects of modification of the applicability of GRAP IV will be decided thereafter.
The SC has laid instructions to the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) to take appropriate steps and communicate the mitigating measures to all concerned authorities. It has also directed the commission to coordinate effectively to ensure implementation of these measures.
SC also directed the Delhi Police to ensure proper protection of bar members serving as court commissioners.