Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal, who is on a two-day visit to poll-bound Gujarat, landed in yet another controversy with his remarks and the rival BJP was quick to react. Bharatiya Janata Party Gujarat president BR Patil called Kejriwal the biggest liar and alleged that he compared the people of Gujarat with ‘Kansa.’ BJP’s statements came after the Delhi CM in one of his rallies said that God assigned him the task to finish off the descendants of Kansa.
“We have never seen a liar like Arvind Kejriwal. Despite being a CM, he peddles lies. He called the people of Gujarat ‘Kansa’ and then he’s seeking votes from them. He should think before speaking,” said Patil.
Kejriwal, who is set to hold joint rallies with his Punjab counterpart Bhagwant Mann, said, “I was born on Krishna Janmashtami and God has sent me with a special task to finish off the descendants of Kansa, the corrupts and goons. We all will fulfil this task given by God.”
The AAP national convenor and Mann will address joint rallies in Gujarat’s Dharampur and Valsad. It marks the second day of the Gujarat visit, a state which has been a stronghold of the BJP for over 2 decades.
Double trouble for Arvind Kejriwal
Troubles and controversies seem not to be ending for Kejriwal, who is trying to position his party as the main opposition in BJP’s bastion Gujarat. He landed in another communal controversy even before his visit began after one of his party leaders took part in a conversion event.
In the event at least 10,000 Hindus were converted to Buddhism. The ceremony and AAP association with it triggered massive outrage in the Hindu community.
Upon his arrival in Gujarat, Kejriwal was greeted with black hoardings, which carried pictures of him wearing a skullcap. The hoarding bore messages like “I do not believe in Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Rama and Krishna as God” and “These are the words and rituals of Aam Aadmi Party.”
PM Modi in Gujarat
This comes on the same day when Prime Minister is set to visit his home state Gujarat for three days. He will launch several development projects in the state.