Ever since it was announced that Bollywood actors Saif Ali Khan and Hrithik Roshan have collaborated for Vikram Vedha, fans have been excited to know everything about the film. While the trailer had piqued fans’ interest to a T, the makers are now going the extra mile to share new film posters. The latest one was shared on Sunday afternoon.
Hrithik took to social media to post a fiery new poster of Vikram Vedha, featuring his co-star Saif. Sharing the poster, Hrithik wrote: “इस बार सिर्फ मजा ही नाहीं, ताज्जुब भी होगा! #VikramVedhaTrailer out on 8th September 2022. #VikramVedha hitting cinemas worldwide on 30th September 2022.”
Both Saif and Hrithik flaunted guns as they sported rugged avatars and bearded looks. Immediately after Hrithik shared the new poster of the film, the film fraternity members began to drop comments on the post. Amongst them was also Hrithik’s ex-wife Sussanne Khan.
Sussanne turned a cheerleader for Hrithik and commented: “🙌🙌🙌wowwzerrrr 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻fulll power to uuu !!!” This isn’t the first time Sussanne has cheered for Hrithik on social media. The former star wife is an avid social media user and continues to react to Hrithik’s posts on the gram.
Apart from Sussanne, many other celebs including Abhishek Bachchan commented on the post.
Vikram Vedha is a remake of a 2017 Tamil film of the same name. Directed by Pushkar–Gayathri and produced by S. Sashikanth under the banner of YNOT Studios, the film original stars R Madhavan, Vijay Sethupathi, Shraddha Srinath, Kathir and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar in lead roles. As for the Hindi remake, the film is slated to release on September 30. The film co-stars Radhika Apte in the lead role.