A couple of days back, Vivek Agnihotri had claimed that Kapil Sharma had refused to invite him to The Kapil Sharma Show to promote his film The Kashmir Files. Now, Kapil has reacted to Vivek’s claims and rubbished them in his latest tweet. It had so happened that a Twitter user had asked Vivek to promote his film of Kapil’s show. Vivek had claimed that Kapil refused to invite him and he makes decisions about who will grace the show with the producers.
Kapil replied to the user’s tweet and reacted to the controversy. He tweeted in Hindi and it can be loosely translated to “This is not true Rathore sir, you asked that’s why you were told. Those who wanted to accept it as the truth have already believed it so what is the point of giving an explanation. Just a suggestion as an experienced social media user: never believe in one sided story in today’s social media world thank you”.
Kapil refrained from replying directly to Vivek’s tweet. The director is yet to react to Kapil’s statement. Earlier on March 04, 2022, Vivek had tweeted: “They refused to call us on their show because we don’t have big commercial star. #FACT”
He had further added on March 07: “I don’t get to decide who should be invited on @KapilSharmaK9 show. It’s his and his producers choice whom he wants to invite. As far as Bollywood is concerned, I’d say what once Mr. Bachchan was quoted saying about Gandhis: वो राजा हैं हम रंक (he’s the king, we are just slaves)…
Vivek’s The Kashmir Flies is based on the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus in the early 1990s. It stars Mithun Chakraborty and Anupam Kher in pivotal roles and also sees performances by Pallavi Joshi, Darshan Kumar amongst others. The Indian drama film is set to hit the theatres on March 11, 2022 (i.e. tomorrow).