Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, alleged that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Congress are working in collusion and claimed that the two parties have an agreement to not take action against each other when they come to power. Addressing a rally in Goa, Kejriwal promised free pilgrimage to Ayodhya for Hindus, a trip to Velankanni and Ajmer Sharif for Christians and Muslims respectively.
“Both Congress and BJP are working in collusion. Mil baant ke malai khate hain. They have an agreement, as per which, neither takes action against another when they come to government,” Kejriwal said.
“If we form a government in Goa, we will arrange free pilgrimage to Ayodhya for Hindus and to Velankanni for Christians. For Muslims, we will provide a free trip to Ajmer Sharif and to Shirdi temple for those who revere Sai Baba,” Kejriwal said.
Free electricity, job assurance among other promises
Arvind Kejriwal was in Goa for a day-long trip. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has announced that it will be contesting the Goa Assembly elections in 2022. During his previous visits to Goa, Kejriwal had announced free electricity and jobs to the people of Goa. Last month, he had said that if AAP is voted to power in Goa, every youth in the coastal state would be given employment.
Over the past few months, AAP has seen a rise in the number of joinings in Goa. Recently, mass leaders such as Dayanand Narvekar, Babu Nanoskar, Satyavijay Naik, Rajdeep Naik, Ganpat Gaonkar, Dominic Gaonkar, Ritesh Chodankar and Amit Palekar joined AAP in Goa.
Goa goes to Assembly polls in 2022 along with Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Manipur. Besides AAP, Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress is also eyeing the coastal state.