With a base price of INR 10 lakh, a young Shreyas Iyer was unveiled at the player auction for the Indian Premier League (IPL) season 2015. The first uncapped Indian batsman at the IPL 2015 auction, Iyer earned early bids from former champions Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) and Mumbai Indians (MI) at the 2015 IPL auction. The unfamiliar name of the then 20-year-old had triggered a bidding war between KKR, Mumbai, and Delhi Capitals (DC) at the IPL auction.
At a time when KKR were looking like clear favourites to sign the Indian batsman, Delhi Capitals managed to outbid the Eden Gardens stalwarts at the Bangalore auction in 2015. Iyer, who had a base price of 10 lakh ended up joining the Delhi Capitals at an eye-watering price. Delhi came up with the highest bid of INR 2.6 crores to acquire the services of the Indian youngster for the 2015 season of the cash-rich league
Since then, there was no looking back for Iyer as the premier batsman went on to raise his stocks in white-ball cricket with his consistency and elegant batsmanship. Not only Iyer cemented his place at the Delhi Capitals playing XI but the Indian batter was also appointed the captain of the franchise in 2018. The Mumbaikar was endorsed as the captain of the Delhi Capitals by Ricky Ponting and franchise icon Gautam Gambhir at the time.
Under Iyer’s leadership in the IPL 2019, Delhi Capitals managed to enter the playoffs for the first time in seven years. A season later, Iyer-led Delhi Capitals made it to their maiden IPL final. Delhi Capitals failed to clinch their maiden title as Iyer’s men were outclassed by Rohit Sharma-led Mumbai Indians in the IPL 2020 final. A shoulder injury had forced Iyer to relinquish the Delhi Capitals captaincy before the start of the IPL 2021. In his much promising IPL career, former DC skipper has amassed 2291 runs for DC from 82 matches.